Maya Hypnosis
Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal psychotherapy
Time/Space polarities; 2 sides of coin U-TURN to 0

Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy; Heart Brain Coherence Hypnosis. 07723056759 mayahypnosis@gmail.com Derbyshire England
Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy; Heart Brain Coherence
Hypnotherapist and Transpersonal Psychotherapist Dip. Hyp, Dip SRT, Dip. PLT, Dip. Ayur, Dip. NLP, EMDR, GQHP, MLPTA, Maya Hypnosis, Maya Chess, Hypno-Ayahuasca; Professional Hypnotherapy, Regression. Past Life Therapy, Lives-In-Between Therapy, Inner Child Therapy, Progression, Future Life Therapy, Ayurveda (Science and Wisdom of Life), NLP. Professional practice since 2004. Specialising in ANXIETY, PANIC, FEAR, TRAUMA, ABUSE, POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER, DISABILITIES, BEREAVEMENT, ANGER, WEIGHT LOSS, STOPPING SMOKING.​ Pain screams out to pull you in. Trauma not dealt with turns Emotions into triggers. Turn emotional pains into Heart Intelligence, enhance Matrix-Q thinking without thinking. Pain, loss, separation, betrayal, anxiety, fears, dramas, none of this is an accident. These are gifts that we must own, integrate, understand, and love before we can transcend them. You can hide, but you can't run. Shadow is part of self. Self is part of all. There is nothing to fix. Only to See. Only to Listen to. Only to understand. All design patterns can be broken down as a language.
Maya Hypnosis is based on Jungian Therapy and Jung’s Analysis; an intensive, through psychological therapy which illuminates the dark areas of psyche and favours self-realisation, designed to unite the conscious with unconscious and shape true self. Jung’s expertise in the worlds of science, anthropology, astrology, art, religion and dreams make this a rare therapy indeed. The deeper we go the simpler it gets we turn mind chatter down
Transpersonal Psychotherapy brings forth transformation and changes where your heads at; it changes your view point. Psychotherapy changes your state of consciousness, and brings fundamental change in your sensation of who and what you are, all of what you are is part of this process, we have to go out of our minds to come to our senses, we all have symptoms of this world.
Maya Hypnosis unravels problems and patterns of client by a process of investigation. Client needs to be ready and willing to face these issues head on and delve deep. We utilise the emotions associated with the issue to gather relevant information. Emotional scars and deep wounded psychological damage bubbles up to surface and you start to see pains patterns and language. Pain screams to be seen, this is heart felt intelligence calling you back
Maya Hypnosis unfolds the Maya (illusion) in coming out of the person hypnosis (shadow self). Things come up to be burped out; thoughts, emotions, feelings, fears, pains…all bubble up to the surface. The Jungian approach is a 3 phase process: self-awareness, transformation and actualisation. You become sight in the darkest and most inaccessible part of psyche in order to transform it. Jungian analysis is a special form of psychotherapy, a personal “reconciliation” with the unconscious side. Realisation that all experience is undifferentiated consciousness often leads to a tremendous sense of freedom, unity, home.
Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal Psychotherapy simply allows one to identify and observe the fear, pain, trauma, emotion, feeling and therefore, let go of all when Ideal Point to do so is reached. Nothing is you yet. A wise man re-builds self from the bricks others have thrown at him but, how do all the pieces fit together? There is a clear cut mathematical connection to all and the energy force behind a wounded ego (emotional pain) is a spring board and opening for transformation and the journey inward. We all have a point on our loop/time line where ALL just Blows Up like fireworks. 'Things' may 'appear' tragic, but deep underneath the disastrous circumstances are ALL ‘things’ working together in order to complete itself.
Within your hypnotherapy session at Maya Hypnosis we Mind Map through pain points and, connect draw/open lines between things. By opening your heart mind intelligence you are able to find the overlap in connection to all points to complete the puzzle that is you. Unravelling creates movement therefore, you naturally develop the ability to release linear thinking and acquire the capacity to think circular which will enhance your brain performance (Matrix-Q Thinking) by simply understanding how your mind map works. The Mind Map is a giant 3D map that is constantly connecting seemingly unconnected things and drawing lines between things and your brain finds the overlap in connection to everything. A point that completes the plane in order to complete itself.
U-turning changes your VIEW POINT; full circle back HOME. 180 + 180 = 360 (0). We simply spiral back through all multiple layers and leave the masks, costumes, dramas and story behind. We rise above the chaos with a pure spirit and heart...
We may seem to be all over the place, when in reality we are in a spiral where we keep coming back to same point every time the spiral makes its way back around. Getting to ultimate point of "letting go" you may naturally stop breathing for a while as 'you' the 'medicine' takes over at the end of its unravelling... Blissful feelings come when heart has fully opened up to Source, we can spiral back and forth to this point, we laugh when we see things presented in unexpected ways through all the multi-layers. Sometimes the puzzle has big pieces that are easy to put together, while other times it may take time to learn how the pieces fit, when all collapses as it unfolds and folds into itself to free itself GIANT BREATH comes at same point as all reveals itself within itself. A Classical Gift of Education that mathematicians call an ideal point of infinity.
...And, here we are, sitting upon hovering lotus of life. Now we see and, the spiralling lines is the wavering path it took to find truth and balance.
All Maya Hypnosis does is simply peel back the layers of the conditioned self, open doors of heart and, eliminate blocks in your path by using tools such as Hypnotherapy, Inner Child Therapy, Regression Therapy, Past Life Therapy, Life In-Between Lives Therapy, Progression Therapy, Future Life Therapy, NLP, Ayurveda, Hypno-Ayahuasca, Maya Chess. You can only be directed by the souls purpose when you are able to watch the conditioned self and its endless pursuits and let them go.
Disclaimer: To comply with UK and European Law, it is a requirement that any advice sought from this website is for educational purposes only and in no way is intended to replace or supersede medical advice. Always consult your Doctor or GP for any ailments.
Hypnotherapy Regression Progression in Derbyshire, Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Burton upon Trent, Sutton Coldfield, Tamworth, Lichfield, Coventry, Nuneaton, Cannock, Long Eaton, Stafford, Uttoxeter, Wolverhampton and Stoke-on-Trent.